Introduction to "Greater Goodism"


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Your Guide to GreaterGoodism

What is GreatGoodism and Why Do We Need It Now?

GreaterGoodism is the practice of making decisions that are in the best interest of all parties, including yourself.

GreaterGoodism is based on the idea that when you make decisions for the best of all involved you create a better world and life for everyone. Every decision you make creates energy. This energy goes out into the universe and begins to create your life and the world around you. When you make a decision that is good for the world you are sending out a wave of positive energy. The opposite can be said when you do something for personal gain with no regard for others.

We have created a world of strife, tension, lack and separation by making decisions that are focused on personal gain, greed, materialism, control and the negative-ego. This has been the plight of humankind for thousands of years. As we trace our history back to the ancient empires of the world we see a disturbing theme, a small percentage of people with great power and wealth. Does this sound familiar to you.

This has created an imbalance in the world. This separation has created great pain and heartache for so many people. It also works against our core nature. We are all one energy and should be working together to create a better world.  Research has uncovered some enlightening information; 42 people hold as much wealth as 3.7 billion people who make up the poorer half of the world’s population (numerous sources including The Guardian and Brookings). This is a disturbing trend that has continued to worsen in the last 10 years.

Imagine yourself as an alien coming down to study our planet. You would see a small percentage of people with tremendous wealth and a large majority struggling to survive. Does this make any sense? As you read this you may believe me to be a socialist. That is not the case. We have many systems, but none have worked so far, including socialism. I do not know if there is a perfect system, but we must create something better than what we have if we are to create a more sustainable and peaceful world. Could it be GreaterGoodism?

Examining Our Current Systems

Let’s review some of our most popular system. Each one contains some viable concepts. There are always positives and negatives here in the physical world. It is important to remain open to see the entire picture.


a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

In this model “the community” owns and regulates the resources and distributes them as they see fit. The question is, who is in charge of the community? This system has failed in many countries because the people in power are dictating what people receive. We all know what happens when a small group has power.

The concept of making sure everyone is taken care of regarding basic needs is great, but it has not worked in the real world. Socialism also takes away the incentive to be creative and innovative. It is based on controlling assets which is destined to fail.


a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

I always felt Marx got a bit of bad rap as the creator of communism. He felt that the capitalist system was unsustainable in the long term. That being said, his solution was a bit extreme. In the communist system people cannot own property and are at the mercy of those with power. Once again, we have a small group controlling all resources and assets.

There are many conflicting opinions regarding the concept of Marxism and how it relates to communism. It is anti-capitalism to an extreme level.


an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

 This system has been the most productive from an innovation and creation standpoint. People are rewarded for their hard work and ideas. Capitalism promotes the freedom to create your life and control your destiny.

It is also driven by money and profit above all else. When this is the driver decisions are made to maintain and create profits above all else. This opens the door to corruption and manipulation by those with power and resources.  As we know, many companies and governments often make decisions that help some (mainly themselves) at the expense of others for personal gain and power. This has led to corruption in the government and huge salaries for executives in major corporations.

CEO compensation has grown from 30 to 1 in 1965 (30 times the average employee salary) to 376 to 1 in 2000. CEO compensation has risen approximately 807% between 1978-2016. The average worker’s compensation has risen a little more than 11% over the same time-period. This is one of the main reasons the wealth gap has become so large.

the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.

This sounds great on paper, but it runs counter to human behavior and basic survival instincts. You are to sacrifice yourself for others. In certain situations, this may be applicable for the greater good of the group. It is not sustainable as it goes against our core nature.

Humans are designed to survive above all else. Self-sacrifice is not in alignment with our basic nature. Altruism moves people into the martyr role, in some cases. This is unhealthy and not in your best interest.

All of these systems have positive and negative aspects that we can use moving forward. There is no perfect system, but we need something different if we are to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

Can Humans Really Change?

This is the big question and it is an important one. As humans we have certain traits and instincts that are part of our DNA. We are designed to survive above all else. Adjusting to the physical and emotional conditions of our environment is one of our most important survival skills. We have all gone through a developmental process which created our beliefs, fears and emotional makeup.

What you believe to be true determines how you see and judge the world. Let’s begin with some questions regarding people.

What percentage of people:
-Truly care about others?
-Are only interested in personal gain?
-Want to see others do well?
-Make decisions that are in the best interest of the group?
-See the big picture?
-Care about the repercussions of their actions?
-Are greedy?
-Are honest and forthcoming?
-Want to be peaceful?
-Want to make the world a better place for all?

Your answers will give you a good idea regarding your view of the world. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? Do you see the good in people or do you feel most are only out for themselves?

We live in a world of duality with positive and negative aspects by design. You are here to have an emotional experience which requires both sides of spectrum. Do not judge things as good or bad. It is better to accept what is and be aware of how it makes you feel. Your goal is to understand and love yourself at the deepest level.

As I said earlier there is no perfect system and there are no perfect people. Our goal is to create an environment that will support us to become the best version of ourselves.

Some people are open to change and want to make the world better. Others are only concerned about their own personal gain. Neither is good or bad, right or wrong. This is the world we live in. Accept the world as it is and become an agent of positive change. Your positive energy creates a higher vibration. This energy goes out and impacts the world. Do not waste your energy resisting the fact that some people are not here to do good. Acceptance is your ticket to higher energy, flow and peace.

Becoming a Champion of GreaterGoodism

The first thing to understand is this; each simple act of kindness and positivity has great impact. Think about what the world would be like if each person woke up in the morning focused on sending out good energy. Imagine over seven billion people focused on the Greater Good. What an amazing wave of positive energy it will be. This is the dream and we are all part of it.

The shift begins with you. Live the philosophy yourself.

GreaterGoodism is the practice of making decisions that are in the best interest of all parties, including yourself.

One of the most important aspects of this concept is…including yourself. This is not about self-sacrifice or being a martyr. If you are sacrificing yourself this becomes an unsustainable process. It is unhealthy to self-sacrifice all the time as it takes you out of balance and drains your energy. To maintain high levels of energy you must strike a balance. This does not mean you can’t do good deeds or help others. When you feel you have gone too far make an adjustment. Constant monitoring and adjustments are critical to achieving and maintaining balance.

 Enjoy being a part of the Greater Good!

Dr. Joe Vitale

"Joe shows you how to seamlessly combine spiritual energy principles in all areas of your life. This is not about techniques, he shows you how to make internal changes that will impact your outside world. For my money, this is the best program out there for people who want to make changes now.

Vanessa Soriano, California  

"Joe has a profound gift for explaining esoteric concepts in ways that people can access and understand them. What I appreciate most about Joe is that he will offer examples of his own trials and tribulations so that you feel understood wherever you're at in your Journey. Joe will guide you to your own inner wisdom with love, compassion, and wit. Not to mention he is funny! He'll make your soul laugh while you're uncovering it."  

Diane Aurelio-New York City

"Joe has been a force in my life for more than 10 years during one of the most challenging periods of my life. His compassion and generosity taught me lessons I needed to learn; how to put them in perspective and to grow from them. In my role, I recommend Joe’s books and webinars to the folks I meet every day in the hopes of helping and sharing, and paying it forward."

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